Martina Grigorova
Martina Grigorova is an Executive director of SIS Credit- the leader in social finance in Bulgaria. Martina has strong involvement in social initiatives in Bulgaria and Europe, including participation in working groups in support of vulnerable groups, design of dedicated financial instruments, development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem (especially for youth entrepreneurs).
Martina is one of four microfinance practitioners selected by European Microfinance Network to take part in working group on behalf of EC for adding social protection standards into the European Code of Good Conduct. She is taking part in numerous Academies for entrepreneurs and is mentor and jury. Since December 2022 Martina is Board member of Microfinance Centre with main focus advocacy for the sector, communication with the EC and strategic for the microfinance in Europe investors. Since 2023 she is also member of the Advisory Board of the Bulgarian Minister of Labor and Social affairs for the topic of Corporate Social Responsibility, member of the Advocacy committee of EMN, as well as part of the Mentors Academy of Early Warning Europe, initiative of EU that aims to support SMEs in crises. She has already 15 years of experience in the financial sector, 13 of which at SIS Credit, and holds master’s degree in Financial Management from the University of National and World Economy in Sofia.
Martina Grigorova proudly serves as a Council Member of the Microfinance Centre.