Michał Radziwiłł

Inpulse Investment Manager
Michal has 28 years’ experience in various areas of finance and audit. He is bilingual in Polish and French, fluent in English, Russian and German. He has worked for audit firms (Deloitte & Touche and Mazars) as well as international corporations. In 2000, Michał joined TISE, then the private equity arm of the bank BISE. Since 2006 Michał has actively contributed to the creation of CoopEst and the development of its investment activity – senior and subordinated debt for microfinance and social finance. Simultaneously with the duties of Chairman of the Executive Committee of CoopEst, he used to hold the position of General Manager of TISE SA (Warsaw) until 2019. During that time TISE became the leader of social economy financing in Poland. Between 2019-2021 Michal was the CEO of FKIS – the pilot Social Venture Capital fund in Poland. Since 2022 Michal is the Senior Investment Manager of ImpaktEU – a new fund managed by Inpulse Investment Manager, focusing on senior and subordinated debt for inclusive finance and social enterprises in Europe.